Insights & Publications

The Startup King

“The Startup King” is a culmination of more than ten years of startup consulting experience working and helping small businesses and entrepreneurs. It also includes hundreds of hours of research in business planning, marketing, entity formation, bookkeeping, administrative support, payroll, human resources and purchasing best practices. “The Startup King” shares […]

Rise of Daash (ISIL, ISIS)

The terrorist group known as Daesh (or ISIL, ISIL) is the sad and arguably preventable metamorphosis of al-Qa’ida in Iraq (AQI). The group is now more successful in terms of acquisition of land, capital, followers and propaganda than it’s predecessor ever hoped. AQI, led by al-Zarkawi, was successful in creating […]

Profiling al-Shabaab

This analysis is conducted as part of the Son of Media Safety & Security’s Project on War and Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs). Learn more here. al-Shabaab Somalia has been controlled by several different warring clans and warlords since the 1990s. Many Islamic extremists groups also formed during this time. One […]

Who are the Hazaras?

Recent news of the Hazara kidnappings in Afghanistan have brought the Hazara ethnic group to the forefront of media references without explanation of the origins of this group of people.     The Hazaras are an ethnic Central Asian people, primarily residing in Afghanistan but also occupying communities in Pakistan […]

Who Are the Assyrians?

Recent news of Daash kidnappings of 90-120 Assyrian Christians have brought the Assyrian ethnic group to the forefront of media references without explanation of the origins of this group of people.     Assyrians are descendants of the ancient Assyrian empire. The ancient Assyrians are one of the earliest Middle […]